The Galway Masters Basketball Association was founded in 2011. The aim of the association is to promote masters basketball and host an annual international tournament in Galway City. The Galway Masters strive to deliver a top class tournament with equal emphasis on the social as well as the competitive sides of our great game. In 2011, the inaugural Galway Masters International Tournament took place at the NUIG Kingfisher. The tournament has grown from strength to strength and we are looking forward to hosting the 12th Galway Masters International Tournament from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd November 2024.
The tournament is run on a ‘not for profit’ basis with any surplus funds and the proceeds of our Gala Dinner raffle going to our nominated cause. In previous years we have supported The Alzheimer’s Organisation, Autism Services, Wheelchair Basketball, Suicide Prevention, Breast Cancer Research, Galway Hospice Foundation and Voices for Down Syndrome Galway, Aoife’s Clown Doctors, Joanna Lamb It’s Good to Give (childrens cancer services). For 2019 our nominated charity was once again Aoife’s Clown Doctors. The 2020 & 2021 tournaments were canceled due to Covid-19. Our 2022 tournament once again supported Aoife’s Clown Doctors. Last year, we were pleased to support Croí Heart & Stroke as our nominated charity. We are pleased to announce that our tournament charity for the 2024 tournament is the Galway Mountain Rescue.

We also present a lifetime contribution award each year. This award recognises an individual’s contribution to Galway basketball. Previous recipients were Serge Bruzzi in 2011, Joe Naughton in 2012, Maura Harte in 2013 and Gerry Nihill in 2014. To celebrate our 5th anniversary in 2015, we presented the first ever Galway Masters Hall of Fame Award to Deora Marsh. The hall of fame award will be presented every five years. The recipient of the 2016 lifetime contribution award was Joe Coughlan, 2017 was Joe Shields and 2018 Tony Burke. Our 2019 recipient was Roberto Saoner. The 2020 & 2021 tournaments were canceled due to Covid-19. In 2022, we presented our second only Hall of Fame Award to Mr. Karl Butler. The 2023 recipients of the Galway Masters lifetime contribution award was the Glasnevin Ladies Basketball team.
We have eight divisions – Men’s 40s, 50s, 60s & 65s and Women’s 40s, 45s,50s & 55s. The 2024 tournament will host 47 teams with all games in one venue at the University of Galway’s, Kingfisher Club.